After looking through my old posts it made me sad that I had completely forgotten that Micah used to wave like the little rascals! I'm sure I wrote it all down in his baby book because I was good at it then but I haven't wrote in his book in a year now. It makes me sad to think of all the little things that I have forgotten or will forget.
At this age Micah is so much fun he has his own little personality coming out. He has been crawling out of his crib for a while now. When he crawls out he knows he's not supposed to so stays in his room. One time he was just out in the living room hanging out with the cat in the middle of the night!! Sometimes we don't hear him get out at all and we go to go to bed and he's passed out on his floor. Vann and I talked about getting him a bed last night and I'm not gonna lie, it made me cry! I can't believe it! Really, why does it have to go by SO fast!!!
His favorite words right now are "No way", "Stop it" and "Micah, no!" I'm sure the last one he has heard from mommy and daddy a lot! We are becoming aware of what a little sponge he is and noticing how we say things and how they may come across to him. He is SO obsessed with trucks right now! Every kind of truck too. When we drive that's all he's doing is pointing out all the trucks. He's all boy he loves to be outside and would be all day if we would let him. He is gonna be hands on like his daddy.
All this growing up is giving me a little itch for another one!! I miss my baby that didn't talk back but it is also rewarding. He understands more and we can do more with him! Well there's my long speal about my love!