I did it I conquered the sewing machine!!! I have to say it was a little intimating for me and it was pretty sad that my husband knew it and I didn't. He was showing me the ropes on this ancient machine we have. Well it worked like a champ though and thanks to Ashley Young and her sweet mother Karen Hatch who invited me to their ward. They were having a beginners sewing night and we did aprons and I did it!!!!! I'm so excited I can't wait to make something else. I did break a needle but no biggie a couple other mess ups but no one will notice! So here it is...
Beware this new sheriff may look sweet and innocent but a source tells us he can be as tough as nails! He has also teamed up with two really tough deputies to patrol the town of Mesa.
Good times at the pumpkin patch today! We went with Rigley and her mommy Tasia. They absoutley adore each other it's too cute to see them together (we say their going to get married one day hehe)
Just hanging out
Being a scarecrow.
They just love eachother and couldn't stop kissing...it was too cute!
Driving the tractor by myself and with mommy! I'm such a big boy!
Feeding the goats some cheerios...Micah thought the noises they made were hilarious!
Well I have kind of gone a little mad! I have not been able to stop with the crafts I started many without finishing others. I absoutley love it! It's my outlet and my time for just me and it's so rewarding! I'm taking a break for a couple weeks then going to make a apron...can't wait to learn the sewing machine!
Boo sign thanks to Ashley and her mom! They were so sweet to invite me over for a craft and I absoultely LOVE it!
I made a sign for my friend she's having a baby girl! Can't wait to meet her :)
I'm making all of our Christmas gifts this year...this clock is smaller than what I normally make and had a little mishaps with the color but I think it turned out good. Still need to cut down the hands and put the name on it.
Fall wreath I made...totally getting into the fall season this year!
Finally did our name whoo hoo! Vann did this frame for me and I decorated it. We're getting our family pictures done and I'm going to put them in the frame. Will post again when completed :)
I can't beleive how time is just flying by! Micah turned 8 months and I know he's still a little baby but not my little helpless infant anymore. He's crawling all over the place has two teeth he's been waving but he waves like the little rascals it's so cute! Yesterday he stood up for 2 seconds on his own he's going to be walking before I know it! I love being a mom and I cherish this time so much!
Alright so I've come a little bit but can't get the color to change on the background I've been messing around with all the colors and can't seem to get that brown to go away so again if anybody knows how to do this and can help that would be great!
Okay bear with me I'm trying to figure out this whole blogging thing. I'm bored and thought I would mess around with this. I'm trying to figure out how to add friends and have them on the side so if any of you know how to do that please help?! Also I want to mess around with my template so if you know of any websites where I can find some cool ones that would be awesome! Thanks